Akashic Records
Receive answers to your questions.
Connect with your own Inner Voice.
Live from the Heart.
Your Heart is a fortune cookie, full of messages.
I am fascinated by the idea that your heart, my heart, is like a Chinese fortune cookie of Life, where what you do is you look at it and a message appears. Then it is there as your Higher Self, or Life, or the Universe, or God, or however you feel, or your own Heart, to give you a message providing clarity and well-being.
Akashic Records is a very simple channelling technique to connect with the brain of the heart and thus to be able to see, listen and speak from the heart, which is why I call it HEARTING. You could describe it as accessing the “wikipedia of your soul”. There you find all the information you need for your life at this moment. In my Akashic Records readings I connect to that source of information, and answer your questions about yourself and everything you want to know.
I will be very happy to accompany you in a reading of the Akashic Records. You need to prepare seven questions about things that affect you in your life and then I will give you the answer “under Wikipedia”, or Life’s fortune cookie.
As well, if you feel like learning to channel on your own then I have different Akashic Records trainings in different places and also online. I would love to offer you this gift so that you can look at your cookies whenever you want.
When I began to hear your voice, Noemí, and I began to listen to everything you told me, which I have recorded as a treasure, it appeared as a beautiful cry from the Heart. Of feeling that Someone was approaching my Heart.
After searching and searching on the internet for a person who gave me confidence, with beautiful energy and who was professional, for a reading of Akashic Records, I found Noemí, with her ample website that provides a lot of information, advice, a YouTube channel, presence on networks and with ease of communication with her,
I told myself: This is the right person!
And I was not wrong.
Thank you so much!
This weekend, with the help of Noemí Lázaro we have been ‘hearting’.
What a deep and endearing experience! Thank you Noemí, thank you, beautiful group.
This Akashic Records journey has exceeded all my expectations.
I have felt in my entire being that living from LOVE and from the HEART heals my wounds, helps me on this path of self-knowledge, makes me one with all beings, visible and invisible.
Walking through the shadows is often hard but Noemí's wisdom, tenderness and LOVE have accompanied me and made me feel accepted, welcome and loved.
The truth is that this course has far exceeded my expectations. Being able to experience love so deeply and in such a simple way... And of course, being able to share it with the world, is priceless. In addition, Noemí’s closeness and good humour have also been wonderful. There is only gratitude in my heart!!!
The Akashic Records course has been an invitation to trust. To embrace and inhabit that heart that is there and to open ourselves to innate wisdom, to what comes, to what arises. And above all, trust, trust. And all this lovingly accompanied by you Noemí. A marvel. Thank you.
I just don't have words. I don't know how to express myself. It is incredible what you have taught us in the Akashic Records course. For me it has been a gift to have met you Noemí and to have been, there, in that group with you. I have to allow many shifts that I have experienced there to settle, but what we have heard is amazing. Really great, really great.
You have given me wonderful tools to obtain illuminating answers from the heart of one’s own being. Thank you.
A much-needed training to put a stop to the maelstrom that separates us from our inner world. A huge shot of positive energy, the way Noemí guides us with humour and love, to open our emotions through meditation, dance and music. The group connection was magical and we knew how to bring out our essence and authenticity. Today I noticed my massage and my dedication to my patients were different: the smile and peace on their faces confirmed it to me. Thank you.
Akashic Record Readings
In an Akashic Records reading, both online and in person, you receive clear and concise answers to a series of questions about important aspects of your life such as relationship issues, health, work, family, etc.
Akashic Records readings are useful for anyone who wants to connect with the truth of their heart and receive direction and guidance for their life. No previous experience is needed.
Questions can be as specific as you want. It is better to avoid questions whose answers are yes/no since they do not provide much information, as well as questions about the future or matters that do not concern you.
These are some examples of possible questions:
- Why did it happen…? What do I have to learn from this experience?
What are the beliefs or patterns that limit me on the subject (money, work, friendship, etc…)?
What should I know or what relationship do I have with my mother, father, partner, children…?
How can I improve my relationship with…? What should I learn from my conflict with…? What do we have to learn…?
What should I know about this that limits me?
What should I know about the situations that appear repeatedly in my life?
What are they trying to tell me?
Why did I choose this situation…?
How to guide my professional life?
How can I help…?
What should I know about what has happened to me?
Is there anything I should know to continue on my path?
What should I know about abundance, health, happiness, wealth…plenty?
What lessons did I choose to learn in this life?
What are my gifts?
What is the purpose of my life? What is the best way to fulfil it?
An Akashic Records session lasts one hour.
We will start by talking about your questions and with a short meditation.
Then I will begin to channel the answer to your questions for you and you can ask for examples, first steps and all the clarifications you want.
I record your session and I will send you a copy so you can listen again to the very healing content of the channelling that I will do for you.
I do online sessions by videoconference. I also do in-person sessions in Pamplona, Zaragoza, Barcelona and Madrid. Contact me to see availability.
Individual Session
- Prepare 7 questions
- Individual Session
- On-line
- In-person
- 60 minutes
Couples session
- Prepare 6 questions (2 individual ones each and 2 joint)
- Session for couples
- On-line
- In-person
- 60 minutes
In-person course
- Receive certificate at the end
- Individualized supervision
- Small groups
- 2 days in person
- 16 hours
Online course
- Receive certificate at the end
- Individualized supervision
- Small groups
- 3 online sessions
- 16 hours
Akashic Records Courses
In my Akashic Records course I accompany you in a loving and playful way to connect with your heart through a simple channelling technique.
I teach you how to connect with the information field of the Akashic Records in order to be able to do readings on yourself and also on other people and things. This course includes Levels I and II.
I also call this way of connecting with the Akashic Records HEARTING, since it is learning to see, hear and speak with the brain of the heart. This gives you very high state of emotional well-being.
In the course I will teach you how to channel Akashic Records, which I also call tuning into “Heart Radio”, so that you can receive answers to important questions for yourself and for other people.
You will learn to distinguish when you connect with “Mind Radio” or “Stomach Radio”, or when you really channel from “Heart Radio”.
Through body awareness exercises, meditation, dance and music, you will easily and joyfully connect to your inner wisdom and the most loving part of you.
With humour and love you can connect with the joy of living.
All people have the ability to connect with the source of infinite wisdom and achieve clarity with the issues that concern us. Therefore, this course is for you if you want to connect more with your heart and learn how to do Record readings. No previous experience is necessary.
Level I :
- What are the Akashic Records?
- How to open your own Akashic Records
- Practical uses of the Records
- Channelling exercises
Level II :
- How to open the Akashic Records of other people and things
- Heart-mind-stomach differential channelling exercises
- Practice readings for other people
Check my calendar to see upcoming dates.